Undergraduate Funding & Support
UK Student Finance
UK Student Finance
We understand that financing your education is a key part of your university journey. Whether you’re a Welsh domiciled student, coming from England, Scotland, or Northern Ireland, we’re here to support you in navigating the financial aspects of your studies.
Student Loans
Student Loans
Regardless of where you live, the application process for student finance is straightforward. You can apply online through the relevant student finance authority for your country. It’s important to apply early to ensure that your funding is in place before you start.
If you have any questions or need assistance with your student finance application, our teams are here to help. Feel free to contact us for support and guidance throughout the process.
We’re committed to making higher education accessible to all students, and our student finance support is just one way we strive to achieve this. Don’t let financial concerns hold you back from pursuing your academic ambitions—apply for student finance today and start your journey with us.
If you’re a student living in Wales, you have access to financial support through . This support includes tuition fee loans to cover the cost of your course fees, as well as maintenance loans and grants to assist with living expenses. Here’s a brief overview of what you may be eligible for:
- Tuition Fee Loans: These loans cover the full cost of your tuition fees, so you can focus on your studies without worrying about upfront payments.
- Maintenance Support: To help with living costs such as accommodation, food, and study materials, you may be eligible for maintenance loans and grants. The amount you receive depends on factors such as your household income and where you’ll be living while studying.
If you live in England, you can access financial support through the . Similar to Welsh domiciled students, you may be eligible for tuition fee loans and maintenance support to cover your living expenses. Here’s what you need to know:
- Tuition Fee Loans: Just like in Wales, tuition fee loans are available to cover the cost of your course fees, ensuring that you can pursue your studies without financial barriers.
- Maintenance Loans: To assist with your living costs, you can apply for maintenance loans. The amount you receive depends on factors such as your household income and where you will be living whilst you study.
Students domiciled in Scotland can access financial support through the . This support includes tuition fee funding and maintenance loans to help with living expenses. Here’s what you need to know:
- Tuition Fee Funding: Scottish students studying at ϳԹ may be eligible for tuition fee funding to cover the cost of their course fees.
- Maintenance Loans: To assist with living costs such as accommodation and food, maintenance loans are available. The amount you receive depends on factors such as your household income and where you’ll be studying.
Students domiciled in Northern Ireland can access financial support through . This support includes tuition fee loans and maintenance loans to help with living expenses. Here’s what you need to know:
- Tuition Fee Loans: Tuition fee loans are available to cover the cost of your course fees, ensuring that you can focus on your studies without financial worries.
- Maintenance Loans: To assist with living costs such as accommodation and food, maintenance loans are available. The amount you receive depends on factors such as your household income and where you’ll be studying
Undergraduate Bursaries
Undergraduate Bursaries
for students under 25 from a care-experienced background
Care experienced students (3 months or more living under Local Authority Care after the age of three). Available to under-25s only.
To assist with initial costs of resources and equipment available to students aged 18–25 entering university from a care background.
Award Amount: Up to £1,000
Additional Information: Applicants will be expected to provide evidence in support of their application e.g Confirmation of your circumstances via a letter from your Local Authority (LA) or Care Authority, confirming you were under the care of your LA for a period of 3 months or more after the age of three”.
This award is paid in three termly instalments – 25%, 25% and 50%Apply Now:
A specific progression bursary for undergraduate home students from Coleg Sir Gar and Coleg Ceredigion who are enrolling on the first year of a full-time undergraduate degree course at ϳԹ directly after completing a Level 3 (or equivalent) course at their constituent college.
Award amount: Up to £500
Additional Information: Applicants will be expected to provide evidence in support of their application e.g. an award letter or transcript confirming your completion of the course at Coleg Sir Gar or Coleg Ceredigion during the 2023-24 academic year.
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for assistance with disability-related costs
To assist all students who have, or are being assessed as having a disability with costs directly associated with their disability to facilitate their studies.
Eligibility Criteria:
The student has been identified as requiring a diagnostic assessment by Student Services,
The student requires specialist equipment but does not qualify for Disabled Student Allowance (DSA) support.
This fund cannot be awarded to students who are already in receipt of DSA support.
Award Amount: Up to £700
Closing date for Applications: Students can apply at any time
Additional Information: Students will need to provide a copy of the Student Finance entitlement letter
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for students under 25 who are estranged from their parents
Students (aged 18–25) who are estranged from, and have no contact with, their parents or who no longer have the support of their family due to a breakdown in their relationship which has led to ceased contact for 12 months or more.
Students must be under 25 and will be required to provide evidence in support of their application e.g. confirmation from Student Finance that they are being assessed for funding as an estranged student or a copy of the evidence provided to Student Finance as part of the estrangement application.
Award Amount: Up to £1,000
Additional Information: Application to include supporting evidence.
The bursary is paid in three instalments – 25% in terms 1 and 2 and 50% in term 3.Apply Now:
For Level 5 or 6 BAME/traveller home students wishing to undertake research or performance activity.
Eligibility Criteria:
Qualifying students will self-identify as one of the ethnic groups under the following headings on this published :
- Mixed or Multiple Ethnic Groups
- Asian or Asian British
- Black, African, Caribbean, or Black British
- Other Ethnic Group
Students whose ethnicity is Gypsy or Irish Traveller also qualify for this bursary.
Up to a maximum of £500 to support eligible students undertaking research or performance activity (or up to £250 for academic and travel costs) .
Activities may include: attending or presenting at a conference; costs associated with a research project or show; travel and academic costs.
Award Amount: Up to £500
Additional Information: Application to include supporting evidence e.g receipts as proof of purchase of academic materials, travel tickets etc.
Applicants must have registered their ethnicity with the University as part of their enrolment process.Apply Now:
Students living in Wales who are in higher education and who study part-time may have their fees waived if they meet certain conditions, dependent on when they started their course.
Students who are studying fewer than 30 credits this academic year may have fees waived if they are studying a first degree, Foundation Degree, HNC or HND, or another undergraduate credit-bearing higher education course funded by HEFCW (Higher Education Funding Council for Wales).
Student eligibility criteria
A student enrolled on an eligible course must:
(i) be classed as eligible for funding according to the definition provided in HEFCW’s Higher Education Students Early Statistics (HESES) survey
(ii) be Welsh domiciled (provision of a Welsh address by the student would usually be considered sufficient evidence of Welsh domicile).
and meet one or more of the following conditions:
a) the student or the student’s family is in receipt of:
- Universal Credit or its predecessors
- Dz’s&Բ;ǷɲԳ
- Employment and Support Allowance
b) the student is in receipt of:
- Carers allowance or carer’s credit
- Disability premium or other disability-related financial support
- Bereavement benefits
c) be from a group which is considered to be under-represented in higher education, such as:
- students of all ages from areas in the bottom two quintiles of the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019
- students of all ages from UK low participation in HE areas as measured by the proportion of working age adults with HE qualifications from the 2011 census (bottom two quintiles)
- care leavers or care experienced students • students with disabilities • students from ethnic minority backgrounds
- LGBTQ+ students
- refugees and asylum seekers
- students with caring responsibilities
- those studying through the medium of Welsh.
For the purpose of the criterion (a) the definition of ‘family’ is as follows: married, civil partnership or unmarried couple, or married or unmarried couple, or couple in a civil partnership with dependent children, or lone parent with dependent children.
Eligible students must be domiciled in Wales.
For full eligibility details see the following document:
Students who already hold a first degree, Foundation Degree, HNC or HND, or another undergraduate credit-bearing higher education course funded by HEFCW (Higher Education Funding Council for Wales) and who are studying for a qualification that is of the same level or lower will not be eligible for a fee waiver. Non credit-bearing courses and postgraduate courses do not qualify for the scheme.
Students are not eligible for funding to repeat a course or any modules or units within a course under any circumstances.
You should also note that this scheme is reviewed annually by HEFCW; it could be withdrawn prior to your achieving the full qualification.
If you wish to apply, please access the application form by using this link:
for students who are carers and/or parents with childcare costs
Students under the age of 25 who are Young Adult Carers
Students over 25 who are Carers
Students who have children and need help with childcare costs
Bursary levels:
Up to £500 to support childcare costs (at nursery, creche or a registered child minder in the UK) where childcare funding is not available via the government or Student Finance. This is paid in two instalments – 50% per semester.
Up to £500 to support adult dependants, where a student is not eligible for the Adult Dependant grant and Special Support Grant via Student Finance (evidence required would include the relevant PIP or DLA) This is paid in two instalments – 50% per semester.
Up to £1000 for students under-25 who are acting as a Young Adult Carer (evidence required will be a letter from your Local Authority/Social Services or Carer’s Support Group). This is paid in three instalments – 25% in term 1, 25% in term 2 and 50% in term 3.Award Amount: Up to £1,000
Additional Information: Application to include supporting evidence.
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for students from WIMD 40 Widening Participation areas
Students who come from Widening Participation areas as designated by Welsh Government.
The university will contact students who are eligible for this bursary directly.
Award Amount: Up to £100
Additional Information: Students may receive the bursary once in the academic year and this bursary will be processed in May.
Apply Now: No application form required - students will be notified of eligibility automatically.
for assistance with wellbeing support
Students who identify as Transgender or Non-Binary and will have incurred relevant wellbeing costs.
Up to a maximum of £250 per eligible student, usually provided retrospectively on the submission of payment receipts.
It is envisaged that this bursary will support Transgender and Non-Binary students in accessing appropriate wellbeing support – for instance, travel to appointments, prescriptions, support and refuge services.
Award Amount: Up to £250
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Access to university and support for students with UK asylum-seeking or refugee status. This bursary provides a tuition fee waiver and additional support for study.
To access this bursary, applicants must satisfy all of the criteria listed in the terms and conditions.
The criteria include:
- Having one of the listed immigration statuses, and
- Having received a conditional or unconditional offer of full-time undergraduate study from ϳԹ
University of Sanctuary Bursary Terms and Conditions
Applications are now being taken for the 2025–26 academic year and the deadline for applications is 6pm on 30th May 2025.
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Women in STEM Academic Excellence (up to £500)
The bursary will be awarded to applicants who self-identify as women and who are enrolled on a full-time undergraduate programme in Engineering, Computing, Construction or Environmental Conservation will be eligible for consideration.Application form:
Applications close on Friday 24th January 2025
to assist with career development and work experience costs
Students wishing to undertake continuing professional development (CPD) activity or work experience which is not part of their course.
Costs covered up to £200 for short development courses or Continued Professional Development (additional to course) or Up to £1000 for student arranged internships (depending on the experience). Courses or internships must be relevant to the academic programme.
Whilst students can make more than one application the maximum aggregate amount that can be awarded for any student in one academic year is £1,000.
Award Amount: Up to £200 for CPD or up to £1,000 for internships
Additional Information: Students appointed as INSPIRE interns or benefitting from the University’s STEM internships may not apply additionally via this fund as those roles are already supported via the Career Development Bursary. Students representing the University at the Eisteddfod are also supported in this way so any bursary payment received contributes towards the maximum £1,000 award.
The Career Development Bursary is intended to assist with work experience related travel and accommodation costs. The work experience must not be a compulsory work placement element of a course.
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to assist with course-related costs
All students enrolled on a ϳԹ-delivered course (minimum 40 credits)
Up to £250 to support students applying for course-related costs.
Course-related costs may include specialist books, specialist equipment etc.
Whilst students can make more than one application where the support requested is less than £250, the maximum aggregate amount that can be awarded for any student in one academic year is £250.
Award Amount: Up to £250
Additional Information: This bursary is usually awarded as reimbursement on the submission of purchase receipts. Where students are unable to meet costs in advance then applications to Student Financial Support Fund are encouraged.
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for assistance with a device or internet costs
This Digital Connectivity bursary is intended to provide support for Home students (eligible for student finance) who have no access to a device and / or internet provision for their studies and for whom funding is a barrier to purchasing their own device. The bursary will be awarded to for eligible students in their first semester of studies at ϳԹ who are seeking a financial contribution towards digital connectivity (up to £100) or device costs and connectivity (up to £300)..
Eligible students will be enrolled on a minimum of 40 credits on a ϳԹ course and will be in receipt of the maximum level of Student Finance support.
Students who are in receipt of the maximum Student Finance wishing to receive support via this application route will need to:
- Complete the online application form- Provide a copy of your Student Finance letter illustrating that you receive the maximum level of financial support.
If you have already purchased a device and/or broadband to support your studies, please also include proof of purchase.
The maximum award via this bursary is £300.
PLEASE NOTE: If you do not receive the maximum financial support from Student Finance you have two alternative routes for support.
1) If you purchased your own device you can apply for up to £250 towards the cost via the Course Costs bursary. You will need to provide a copy of the receipt for your purchase.
2) If you are unable to afford to purchase your own device you can make an application for support via this bursary but you will be asked to provide additional information and evidence to support your application. You will need to:- Complete the online application form
- Provide a copy of your Student Finance letter illustrating the level of financial support that you do receive (full breakdown including any childcare grant entitlement)
- Complete the income and expenditure form which we will send to you upon receipt of the online application
- Provide a month’s up to date bank statements for each account held including a current balance, annotated to confirm your core costs.
Applications to the Digital Connectivity Bursary are now being restricted to students who started their programme of study in July 2024 (or later).
This decision has been taken to enable students enrolling in each academic term to access the bursary at the start of their studies.
Eligible students requiring financial support who enrolled earlier than June 2024 can apply for assistance via the Student Financial Support Fund or the Course Costs Bursary.Closing date for applications: applications will be open throughout the academic year
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to assist with graduation costs
Students who are about to graduate from a course at ϳԹ
Up to £100 to support graduates in financial difficulty with the associated costs of attending their graduation ceremony.
To apply for this bursary you need to:
- be due to graduate from a ϳԹ programme and eligible to attend the graduation ceremony
- have booked your attendance at a ϳԹ graduation ceremony
- be able to demonstrate that you need support with the reasonable associated costs of graduation
Award Amount: Up to £100
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to assist with costs associated with compulsory placement activity
Up to £250 to support students undertaking compulsory placement activity as part of their course.
This bursary is usually awarded as reimbursement on the submission of purchase receipts. Where students are unable to meet costs in advance then applications to the Student Financial Support Fund are encouraged.
Whilst students can make more than one application where the support requested is less than £250, the maximum aggregate amount that can be awarded for any student in one academic year is £250.
Award Amount: Up to £250
Additional Information: Application to include an outline of the placement and a breakdown of costs along with a note of the placement address and journey distance.
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to assist with the costs of a Study Abroad Semester
Applicable to undergraduate students.
Any full-time UK undergraduate wishing to undertake a semester of Study Abroad at one of our partner institutes.
Award Amount: Up to £250
Closing date for Applications: 30th October 2023 and 5th March 2024
Additional Information: Application to include a copy of the acceptance letter from the International Office.
Please note that this bursary is paid after the International Office have confirmed that the student is at the partner institution.Apply Now:
Each Academic Institute at the University is offering bursaries up to £500 to support enrolled students in their first semester of their first year of study at the University. Awards are based on the submission of a personal statement and the eligibility criteria is as follows:
- Student is either returning to education after a break of more than 2 years, and/or is the first generation of their family to access Higher Education
- Students will be asked to submit a written application to the question: ‘Higher education has the power to transform, describe your hopes and expectations for your learning experience at ϳԹ’.
Application form:
Applications close on Friday, 24th January 2025
for students undertaking modules through the medium of Welsh
Students undertaking some or all of their programme bilingually.
Awarded to students who undertake all or part of their studies through the medium of Welsh/bilingually.
£50 per 10 credits successfully completed through the medium of Welsh/bilingually. (Modules must be minimum 50% bilingual and have a C code).Award Amount: Up to £900 (or up to £1200 for students on fast-track two-year degree courses)
Additional Information: Please note that students who are already in receipt of Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Scholarships will not be eligible for the first £500 of this scholarship but can apply for the difference between the two awards if studying over 100 credits in an academic year.
The bursary is awarded in July 2024 following the final exam boards of the academic year.
Deadline for applications: 29th April 2024
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Faint: £1,000 y flwyddyn am hyd at 3 blynedd (cyfanswm o £3,000)
Pwy: Myfyrwyr sy’n astudio o leiaf 66%/80 credyd y flwyddyn o’u cwrs yn Gymraeg ac yn cychwyn yn y Brifysgol ym Medi 2024.
Cyrsiau: Defnyddia ein Coleg Cymraeg i weld a yw dy gwrs di ar y rhestr.
Cyfnod ymgeisio: 11 Medi - 24 Ionawr
Sut i ymgeisio: Bydd angen llenwi’r erbyn 24 Ionawr
Faint: £500 y flwyddyn am 3 blynedd (cyfanswm o £1,500)
Pwy: Myfyrwyr sydd wedi cychwyn yn y brifysgol yn Medi/Hydref 2023 ac sy’n astudio o leiaf 33%/40 credyd o’u cwrs yn Gymraeg mewn UNRHYW BWNC
Cyrsiau: Unrhyw gwrs sy’n cynnig 33% o’r cwrs yn Gymraeg. Defnyddia chwilotydd cyrsiau Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol i weld a yw dy gwrs di ar y rhestr
Dyddiad cau: Mae’r cyfnod ymgeisio ar gyfer eleni wedi cau.
Faint: £1,000 y flwyddyn am hyd at 3 blynedd (cyfanswm o £3,000)
Pwy: Myfyrwyr sy’n byw yn ardal Gwynedd sy’n astudio eu cwrs cyfan (100%) yn Gymraeg
Cyrsiau: Defnyddia chwilotydd cyrsiau Coleg Cymraeg i weld a yw dy gwrs di ar y rhestr
Dyddiad cau: 17 Ionawr 2023 (cyfnod ymgeisio wedi cau ar gyfer eleni)
Sut i ymgeisio: Bydd angen llenwi ffurflen fan hyn pan fydd y cyfnod ymgeisio nesaf yn agor (tymor yr hydref 2023)
Faint: £500 y flwyddyn am hyd at 3 blynedd (cyfanswm o £1,500)
Pwy: Myfyrwyr sy’n byw yn ardal Ynys Môn, sy’n astudio o leiaf 33%/40 credyd y flwyddyn o’u cwrs yn Gymraeg
Cyrsiau: Defnyddia chwilotydd cyrsiau Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol i weld a yw dy gwrs di ar y rhestr
Dyddiad cau: Hydref 2023
Sut i ymgeisio: Os wyt ti’n cyflwyno ffurflen gais cymhelliant, ac yn dod o Ynys Môn, byddwn yn dy wahodd i wneud cais am yr Ysgoloriaeth hon ar ddiwedd Hydref.