Image and intro
Senior Lecturer
Institute of Education and Humanities
Tel: +44 (0) 1267 676636
Role in the University
- Lead in Primary Humanities on the BA Primary Education (QTS) and the Primary PGCE programmes
- Professional Teaching Experience tutor
- Editing/Coordinating references on the BA Primary Education (QTS)
- Library liaison officer on the BA Primary Education (QTS) course
- Writing and completing tenders for creating and publishing bilingual education materials for primary schools on behalf of Canolfan Peniarth
- Supervisor – postgraduate students
- Primary school teacher
- Key Stage 2 Coordinator
- Humanities Advisor for Local Education Authority
Member Of
- Education Workforce Council (EWC)
- Primary Geography: Geographical Association (GA)
- Primary History: Historical Association (HA)
- Global Learning Programme Wales (GLP-W): Advisory Group
- British Educational Research Association
Academic Interests
- Humanities in primary education
- Creativity in primary education
- Y Cwricwlwm Cymreig
- Global Learning in primary education
- Outdoor learning (Forest Schools)
- Education research
Research Interests
Humanities in primary education, Creativity and YCC in the primary school:
- Hughes, S. (2011) Sit, Stand, Move… Maxi Maps, in Primary Geography. Autumn 2011, Sheffield: Geographical Association.
- Hughes, S. (2012) Hyrwyddo Creadigedd yn yr Ysgol Gynradd. Caerfyrddin: Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol
- Grigg, R. & Hughes, S. (2013) Teaching Primary Humanities. Harlow: Pearson.
- Davies, G. & Hughes, S. (2016) ‘Peidiwch ag anghofio am gyfraniad pwysig y Dyniaethau: arolwg o farn darpar athrawon am y Cwricwlwm Cymreig’, The Wales Journal of Education, 18.2, 62-80.
- Humanities in the primary school
- Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship
- Y Cwricwlwm Cymreig
- The Outdoor Classroom: Forest Schools
Enterprise, Commercial and Consultancy Activities
External Examiner on the BA Primary Education (QTS) Bangor University:
Professional Development/ Consultancy/ leading national courses:
- WJEC – Promoting Literacy across the Curriculum; Literacy and Geography – KS2; Literacy and History – KS2;
- CYFANFYD – Promoting Literacy and Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (ESDGC)
- Local Authorities –History in the primary school; Planning for the Humanities in the primary school; Environmental Geography in KS2; Promoting the Cwricwlwm Cymreig in the primary school; Promoting Literacy across KS2; Mapping the 2008 Curriculum – Geography in the primary school.
Education Advisor for on science tests for years 5 and 6 pupils - synchronizing test with the KS2 National Curriculum in Wales. Consulting – advising Natural Resources Wales on preparing educational interactive resources on ‘risks of flooding’ for KS2/3 pupils.
Education Advisor for Global Learning Programme Wales (GLPW) programme
- Grigg, R. & Hughes, S. (2017) Travelling Back to the Middle Ages – Castles. Carmarthen: Canolfan Peniarth
- Grigg, R. & Hughes, S. (2017) Teithio yn ôl i’r Oesoedd Canol – Cestyll. Caerfyrddin: Canolfan Peniarth.
- Hughes, S. & Grigg, R. (2017) Teithio yn ôl i’r Oesoedd Canol - Pobl Enwog. Caerfyrddin: Canolfan Peniarth.
- Hughes, S. & Grigg, R. (2017) Travelling Back to the Middle Ages- Famous People. Carmarthen: Canolfan Peniarth.
- Grigg, R. & Hughes, S. (2017) Interactive map of Welsh History – Canolfan Peniarth – HWB website.
- Grigg, R. & Hughes, S. (2017) Map rhyngweithiol Hanes Cymru – Canolfan Peniarth – gwefan HWB.
- Davies, G. & Hughes, S. (2016) ‘Peidiwch ac anghofio am gyfraniad pwysig y dyniaethau’, Wales Journal of Education, 18.2, 62-80.
- Hughes, S. (2016) Review of ‘Bywyd Normal’ by Tudor Ellis, Wales Journal of Education, 18.2, 162-5.
- Hughes, S. (2015) Our World – e-resource to teach Geography in KS2 –
- Hughes, S. (2014) Here, There and Everywhere 1. Aberystwyth: CAA.
- Hughes, S. (2014) Here, There and Everywhere 2. Aberystwyth: CAA.
- Hughes, S. (2014) O Bedwar Ban Byd 1. Aberystwyth: CAA.
- Hughes, S. (2014) O Bedwar Ban Byd 2. Aberystwyth: CAA.
- Hughes, S. (2014) Welsh Landscapes Through Legends – Interactive e-resource to teach Geography in KS2 – HWB website
- Hughes, S. (2013) Contrasting Locations: Looking at Wales. Aberystwyth: @tebol (educational resources for Geography in KS2)
- Hughes, S. (2013) Harry’s Special Planet. Caerfyrddin: Canolfan Peniarth.
- Hughes, S. (2013) Planed arbennig Harry. Caerfyrddin: Canolfan Peniarth
- Hughes, S. (2013) I Wonder Why? RE in the Foundation Phase. Practitioners’ Handbook & Activity Pack. Caerfyrddin: Canolfan Peniarth.
- Hughes, S. (2013) Tybed Pam? AG yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen. Llawlyfr a Phecyn Gweithgareddau i Ymarferwyr. Caerfyrddin: Canolfan Peniarth.
- Hughes, S. (2013) Cymru 1. Aberystwyth: Canolfan Astudiaethau Addysg
- Hughes, S. (2013) Cymru 2. Aberystwyth: Canolfan Astudiaethau Addysg
- Hughes, S. (2013) Cymru 3. Aberystwyth: Canolfan Astudiaethau Addysg
- Stevens, C. & Hughes, S. (2012) History in the second half of the 20th Century – Interactive E-Resource to teach History in KS2 –
- Grigg, R. & Hughes, S. (2012) Teaching Primary Humanities. Harlow: Pearson Education
- Hughes, S. (2012) Hyrwyddo Creadigedd yn yr Ysgol Gynradd. Caerfyrddin: Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol
- Hughes, S. (2011) Sit, Stand, Move… Maxi Maps, in Primary Geography. Autumn 2011, Sheffield: Geographical Association
- Hughes, S (2011) Goodnight Roco. Carmarthen: Canolfan Peniarth (Exploring the World Pack: Knowledge and Understanding of the World – The Foundation Phase: Outcomes 1-3).
- Hughes, S. (2011) Roco’s Extra-ordinary Trip. Carmarthen: Canolfan Peniarth (Exploring the World Pack: Knowledge and Understanding of the World – The Foundation Phase: Outcomes 4-6).
- Hughes, S. (2010) Llyfrau Ffeithiol am ddaearyddiaeth chwe gwlad i gyflwyno’r Gymraeg i ddysgwyr CA2, Aberystwyth: Canolfan Astudiaethau Addysg.
- Hughes, S. (2009) Lleoliadau Cyferbyniol: Golwg ar…../ Contrasting Localities: Tell me about…... Geography pack for KS2 including teacher’s handbook, DVD/ activities based on 4 contrasting countries in the world – Atebol.
- Hughes, S. (2009) Lleoliadau Cyferbyniol: Golwg ar…../ Contrasting Localities: Tell me about…...
- Hughes, S. (with Catrin Stevens) (2008) Taith yng nghwmni…/ Journey in the Company of… 5 historical stories for the Foundation Phase based on real characters working in Wales during the 1960s in five different locations, Aberystwyth: Canolfan Astudiaethau Addysg.
- Hughes, S. (2008) I ble rydym yn mynd? /Where are we going? Knowledge and Understanding of the World (Geography) pack for the Foundation Phase including a big book, puppet & CD. Aberystwyth: Canolfan Astudiaethau Addysg.
- Hughes, S. (with Olive Dyer) (2007) Chwilota’r Chwedlau / Looking at the Legends. A pack for Knowledge Understanding of the World (Geography) – Foundation Phase based on 4 locations in Wales. Aberystwyth: Canolfan Astudiaethau Addysg.
- Hughes, S. & Dyer, O. (2007) Welsh Playmats & Teachers’ Booklet for Wildgoose Publications / Bluesky).
Additional Information
- Contributed towards the National Review of the Eco Schools Programme in Wales on behalf of Keeping Wales Tidy/ Natural Resources Wales (2013–2014)