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Mature Student Looking Through Microscope

Striving to Be Engaged, Always Innovative

The University’s research covers engineering, social science, arts and humanities disciplines. Striving to be engaged, and always innovative, it’s often interdisciplinary and collaborative in nature.

Research and Innovation

Our Research and Innovation Strategy focuses on nine priority areas:
  • Research Excellence 

    Building excellence in curiosity-driven discovery research and research that meets defined societal and economic challenges.

  • Civic Mission

    Engaging in projects, initiatives, or areas of activity that promote or improve the economic, social, environmental, or cultural well-being of Wales and beyond.

  • Innovation

    Translating great ideas into value, prosperity, productivity, and well-being.

  • Collaboration

    Building partnerships by collaborating with researchers, businesses, the public, and third sectors to share excellence and deliver research impact.

  • High-level Skills, CPD and Lifelong Learning

    Providing research-informed higher-level programmes to support the development of a resilient workforce and society.

  • Regional Regeneration

    To support growth, well-being, and prosperity in the region.

  • Commercialisation & Income Generation

    Support for businesses accessing financial support for innovation in collaboration with the University.

  • Postgraduate Research

    Providing a world-class infrastructure to develop the next generation of researchers.

  • People

    Our commitment is to incentivise, support, and reward staff for excellence in research and innovation.

Our vision for research is that our researchers, and the professional services that support them, drive innovation: the process that turns great ideas into value, prosperity, productivity, and well-being. It is this vision that will drive wellbeing and adapt to new opportunities and challenges.