Tony Ball awarded Honorary Fellowship for services to the University and for his significant contribution to the University of Wales Press
During the University’s summer graduation ceremonies today (12 July), Anthony Ball has received an Honorary Fellowship for services to the University and for his significant contribution to the University of Wales Press.

A proud Man of Gwent, Tony went to Bassaleg Grammar School where he was Head Boy and from there to University of Wales College Cardiff to read sciences resulting in an honours degree in Zoology. During his time in University he was Secretary of the Students Union, awarded colours in rugby and had been Editor of the weekly Student newspaper.
Away from work rugby became a significant part of his life both as a player and eventually a WRU referee and for 50 years of his life he was a member of the outstanding Cantorion Ardwyn, singing throughout the US and Canada and most of Europe. Many magic moments came from performing with some of the great singers, conductors and orchestras in some of the finest auditoria in the world such as St Peter’s Basilica in Rome, Westminster Abbey and Washington Cathedral.
Presenting Anthony Ball to the congregation was Professor Dylan Jones, Deputy Vice-Chancellor. He commented:
“Today we Honour Tony Ball for his long-standing Service to the University of Wales and in particular to the University of Wales Press which despite difficult times celebrated its centenary last year. It continues to play a key part in the cutural and academy history of Wales.
It was a very special day for Tony when he was asked to join the Board of the University of Wales Press in 2007. This was followed with the appointment to membership of the University of Wales Council in 2011, at a time when the University of Wales was going though serious challenges. Then in 2012 he became by Chair of the Press Board, a position he continues to hold 11 years later.
In many ways, 2007, was the beginning of an era of service and a number of opportunities to use Tony’s wide experience in new and very different circumstances for the benefit of others. The transition of the University which has occurred over the years whilst Tony has been on Council required skill and experience and we are grateful of the contribution made by Council members such as Tony in enabling our future to look so bright.
For Tony’s contribution to the undoubted success of this University and his longstanding public service in education and beyond I am proud to present him today.â€
On completion of his degree Tony was selected for a 3 month project on a six man expedition to Arctic Lapland. Then armed with a 1st Class PGCE, his first teaching post was in Newport followed by appointment as Head of Science in Lewis School for Boys, Pengam, aged 26. But he did arrive at this stage in his career slightly frustrated because he strongly believed he wanted an appreciation of life other than education and teaching. When an opportunity then arose he accepted the chance to experience management in a commercial organisation within the C H Bailey group of companies, initially as Sales Manager, and eventually Director and General Manager of several companies in the Group during the four years employed there.
Having been enriched by this range of new management experiences, he returned to teaching in Mid Glamorgan and then as Head of Upper School at Whitchurch High School in Cardiff, later as Deputy Head and Acting Head in Rumney, before being appointed against stiff opposition as Vice Principal of Coleg Glan Hafren, now renamed Cardiff and the Vale College.
On receiving the award, Tony Ball, commented:
“It’s been an incredible few years for most of you and I’m sure there were times when you wondered if you would ever see the see the inside of the university.
You have had to learn new skills and new words were invented, certainly for people of my age, such as Zoom and Teams. It was a learning curve not just for you but for the staff - many staff had to find ways that they never realised that they’d be doing I think we owe them a big thank you as well.
But above all of course today is about you and the future. Behind you are friends and parents who have supported you here and at home. I think we all went through a time when we didn’t know what was going to happen next but now it’s the future we’re looking to and I wish you all the very best.
Also, not forgetting someone else who’s looking forward to the future - I’d like to thank the Vice-chancellor for his contribution. Thank you very much for this honour.â€

Further Information
Arwel Lloyd
Principal PR and Communications Officer
Corporate Communications and PR
Phone: 07384 467076