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Debby Mercer is a graduate from the BA (Hons) Liberal Arts with Foundation year course. She moved to Lampeter after she bought a smallholding and choose ϳԹ Lampeter because of her commitments to the land and animals.

Debby Mercer in academic dress.

Debby decided to study Liberal Arts as she has been knitting and spinning for over 10 years and has always had an interest in textile archaeology.

She said: “Liberal Arts allowed me to explore wool and textiles from many angles and enabled me to avoid fashion! Once the fabric becomes something, I quickly lose interest, however, most textile courses have a focus on fashion, as that is the most visible aspect of textiles.”

Debby loved her time as a student, and her favourite aspect of the course was,

“ The freedom of choice! By not having core modules, I could tailor my own degree that suited my interests. I decided to focus on ancient textiles and the development of wool.

Because of this freedom, I was able to look at the early domestication of sheep in Mesopotamia, how the Romans used textile language in political rhetoric, the Welsh woollen industry of the 20th century and look at how textiles are represented and taught in museums and exhibitions.”

With the support of lecturers, she was encouraged to explore areas of wool and textiles within specific modules. They also helped her find assignment topics that were relevant to both the module outcome and her interest in textiles.

The lecturers also gave Debby the opportunity outside of the course, to showcase her capabilities to a wider audience, and that, she said, increased her confidence outside of the classroom.

Debby said she was also offered opportunities such as volunteering as a Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) mentor, and also building connections within and outside the university, all of which has helped her develop as an individual and grow in confidence.

After graduating, Debby plans to continue with her studies and study an MSc in Sustainability and Behaviour Change.

She said: “I hope to work towards creating a sustainable future by using my historical knowledge and background in the humanities to engage the public with wool as a sustainable, renewable resource and also increase its economic value for Welsh farmers.”

Debby said she would encourage others to study the same course as her at Lampeter.

“BA Liberal Arts is the ultimate “design it yourself” degree. Play with ideas and approach lecturers early about things slightly off-piste. You will find lots of support and be able to make something truly unique that will be a real benefit to life after university,” she added.

Further Information

Lowri Thomas

Principal Communications and PR Officer     
Corporate Communications and PR     
Email: lowri.thomas@uwtsd.ac.uk     
Phone: 07449 998476

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